2015 snow ridden Family Law Symposium Bergen County divorce attorney
Joseph C. Noto, a Bergen County divorce attorney, attended the snow ridden 2015 Family Law Symposium with over 700 other lawyers. The 2015 Family Law Symposium was delayed by one hour because of the snow but it still was held. He said it was a colossal success! Joseph Noto heard: (1) what a panelist considered the […]
2015 NJ family Law Symposium
Joseph C. Noto, a divorce attorney in Bergen County, will be attending the 2015 NJ Family Law Symposium this comng Saturday, January 24, which is being held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunwick. It is being presented in cooperation with the NJSBA Family Law Section. He says that the Family Law Section reported that […]
New Jersey Family Collaborative Law Act Passed
Joseph C. Noto, a Bergen County collaborative law divorce attorney, was happy to announce that the Governor signed into law the New Jersey Family Collaborative Law Act, which is to be effective in early December of this year. This now is an other State approved alternative dipute resolution process which the parties may choose in addition […]
Presentation to Bergen County Bar Association on the NJ Family Collaborative Law Act by CDANJ
Joseph C. Noto, a Bergen County collaborative law attorney, was a panel member, along with several other panel members who belong to the Collaborative Divorce Association of North Jersey group (“CDANJ”), explained to the attending Bergen County Bar Association members the benefits of the collaborative law process and provisions in the New Jersey Family Collaborative Law […]
Alimony bill signed by Governor Christie
Joseph Noto, a Bergen County divorce lawyer, said that Governor Christie signed the Alimony bill, which law went into effective immediately. In essence it eliminated permant alimony and created duration alimony periods up to the length of the marriage. It also addresses, among other things, the meaning of a cohabitation and how do you do make a […]
Human attachments and you in a collaborative divorce Joseph Noto Bergen County collaborative divorce attorney
You deserve a “safe and secure base” when conducting a collaborative divorce, says Joseph Noto, a Bergen County collaborative divorce attorney. He attended an all day semnar presented by one (1) very qualified mental health professional and one (1) collaborative attorney, who has done over 100 collaborative divorces. They explained that there are three (3) types […]
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Joseph Noto, a bergen county divorce lawyer, said that this week, the Assembly Judiciary Committee met and voted unanimously to release AJR-32, which creates an alimony law study commission. The following groups testified in support of the resolution: NJS Bar Association Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) NJ Coalition for Battered Women Hispanic Bar […]
Annual Retreat North Jersey Collaborative Law Group Joseph Noto collaborative divorce lawyer
Joseph Noto, a Bergen County collaborative divorce lawyer with the North Jersey Collaborative Law Group, attended the group’s annual retreat. The subject was “NARRATIVE UNDERSTANDING” and the facilitators were Danielle Spencer and Abby Rosmarin. Joseph Noto said that In the workshop the group explored what is a narrative, why we create them, and how they work […]
Child support arrears Joseph Noto Bergen County divorce lawyers
Joseph Noto, a divorce lawyer in Bergen County, asks: did you know that: “Child support arrears due a divorcée at the time of her death belonged to her estate, not to her emancipated son, a New Jersey appeals court says. The child’s mother was the obligee and the debt transferred to her estate when she […]
Criminal Charges Visitiation Bergen County Family Law Joseph C. Noto
Family Law attorney, Joseph C. Noto, wants his blog viewers to know that there was a recent court ruling regairding visitation rights of a parent when there were crimial charges pending againt it. In 20-2-2358 S.M. v. K.M., App. Div. (Koblitz, J.A.D.) (10 pp.) the court granted leave to appeal from an order preventing a father […]