Joseph Noto, a bergen county divorce lawyer, said that this week, the Assembly Judiciary Committee met and voted unanimously to release AJR-32, which creates an alimony law study commission.
The following groups testified in support of the resolution:
- NJS Bar Association
- Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC)
- NJ Coalition for Battered Women
- Hispanic Bar Association
- NJ Association for Justice
- National Organization for Women (NOW)
- Essex, Morris, Somerset, Bergen, Camden and Burlington County Bar Association were also on record in support of the resolution
The NJ Alimony Law Reform Coalition opposed the resolution.
Several suggestions were made for amendments that the committee said it would consider:
- the public appointees to the commission should be certified matrimonial attorneys
- the appointment of members to the commission should not be the Governor’s exclusive choice. The Governor as well as legislative leadership should appoint commission members.
- the commission should include someone from the Alimony Reform Coalition
The resolution now moves to the Assembly for approval.
Joseph Noto supports this commission and said that this alimony law study is long overdue.