Joseph C. Noto, a divorce attorney in Bergen County, will be attending the 2015 NJ Family Law Symposium this comng Saturday, January 24, which is being held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunwick. It is being presented in cooperation with the NJSBA Family Law Section. He says that the Family Law Section reported that last year over 700 family law attorneys, judges, paralegals and other related professionals gave rave reviews to the last year’s sold out Family Law Symposium. Joseph C. Noto attended last year’s Symposium and agrees whole heartredly with the raves. Joseph C. Noto said that at the 2015 program, the state’s leading family law experts will once again take him “beyond the basics” with what the Symposium says will be with thought provoking and insightfull presentations. The Symposium says it will be examining many of todays’ cutting edge issues as well as “outside the box” problems which a family law attorney is likely to confront.examining. Joseph C. Noto looks froward to another succesful Symposium and said he will keep you posted on how it went next week.