Divorce Attorney In Bergen County

Philip C. Puglisi LLC.

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Joseph C. Noto, a Bergen County collaborative divorce lawyer, attended a North Jersey Collaborative Law Group ethics seminar on July 1, 2013.  Joseph Noto is not only a member of this Group but he is also a long time Board Director.  Joe Noto said Larry Esposito, Esq., President of the Collaborative Law Group, presented a fantastic one and one half hour ethics seminar regarding Collaboartive Law. Not only are collaboartive divorce lawyers held to comply with the New Jersey Professional Code of Conduct rules,  but also when s/he is also a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionsals s/he must also follow the standard of ethics when conducting a collaborative divorce.  All of the North Jersey Collaborative Law Group members, and not only the lawyers are required to be members of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. Some of the ethics rules address: (i) when should a collaborative divorce lawyer take a collaborative divorce case, (i.e. are the clients candidates for such a process?); (ii) when should the collaborative divorce lawyer withdraw from the case?;  and (iii) the dos and don’ts while in the collaborative process,  (the collaborative divorce process works on “trust and transparency”, so what if somebody is not telling the truth or unwilling to disclose information material to the collaborative process, what does the collaborative divorce lawyer do?.  Joseph Noto said it is nice to know that all his collaborative divorce group colleagues in the process will also be held to such a high ethical standard when conducting a collaborative divorce.