Joseph C. Noto, a collaborative law attorney in Bergen County, announces that the Collaborative Divorce Association of North Jersey is holding its first Introductory Interdiscplinary Collaborative Law training on February 2, 9, and 10th at the Bergen County Bar Association located at 15 Bergen Street, Hackensack, NJ. This is the first time in New jersey that it will be for three (3) days and lawyers, mental health and financial people are welcome to attend. It costs $595.00 and you get a continental breakfast and lunch each day. The trainers are: Joseph C. Noto, Esq., Adam J. Berner, Esq,, Shireen Meistrich, L.C.S.W., and Walter E. Loeffler, C.P.A. The times are from 8:30 AM to 4 PM. For lawyers there are 24 NJ CLE credits which are pending. If you are interested in attending contact Joseph Noto at 201-847 0999 for the application. It is limited to the first 25 that register. Joseph Noto says that it is an intensive three (3) day training providing a sound foundation on the nuts and bolts of collaborative divorce with role play of a collaborative case including mental health professionals and financial professionals in the role play. The program will demonstrate and will train you in the concept and skills necessary for a succesful collaborative practice towards helping couples and their children reach optimal solutions.