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Philip C. Puglisi LLC.

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“Bankruptcy and the collaborative divorce” Joseph Noto Seminar

Joseph Noto, a director of the Board of The Collaborative Divorce Association of North Jersey attended a seminar on “Bankruptcy and the Collaborative Divorce” on May 5, 2014, which was presented by Catherine Youngman, Esq. who is very well versed on bankrupcy since she is bankruptcy attorney and also a bankruptcy trustee in many cases. Joseph Noto said Cathy did a great job showing how the various Federal Bankruptcy petitions works and its effect on NJ collaborative divorce proceeding. She gave several recommendations on how to deal with equitable distribution and the impact a petition has on alimony and child support in a Bankruptcy filing. Joseph Noto said a family law attorney needs to have a good bankrupcy attorney at hand to handle preparation for a filing of Bankruptcy and the do’s and dont’s before you file any one (1) of three (3) types of petitions.